Embracing Change: Helpful Tips for Moving Forward After a Breakup

You’ve recently gone through a breakup that left you reeling. Maybe you had a whirlwind romance that lasted only a few short months, yet left a deep impression on your heart. Or perhaps you were dating someone for years whom you believed you would marry one day. But it wasn’t meant to be after all, and now, you’re questioning your entire future. You don’t know where to go from here, and you feel like your heartbreak will never heal. Even if you know that breaking up was for the best, it’s cold comfort right now.

Moving forward after a breakup takes time. You can’t rush the healing process. Here are a few steps you can take to begin this new chapter.

Take Care of Your Essential Needs

It’s so easy to let basic self-care slip in the wake of a breakup. Maybe you’ve been skipping showers, ordering delivery for every meal, or you’ve even lost your appetite completely. Perhaps you’ve left your sneakers by the door instead of lacing them up to go running. You might be staying up late scrolling through old photos of you with your ex, or you may be laying in bed for hours whenever you don’t have to work.

Recovering from a breakup starts with tending to your essential needs. You may want to prep some nutritious meals, go for relaxing strolls around your neighborhood, and commit to a soothing bedtime routine and energizing morning habits.

Spend More Time with Friends and Family

In the aftermath of a breakup, the loneliness can feel heavy. You can combat this by spending more time with your loved ones. If you live far from your family, and you don’t have many close friends in your area, this is the perfect opportunity to start seeking out new friends. Try a class at a new yoga studio, go to a meet up for a hobby you’re interested in, or consider joining a book club.

Try a Few New Hobbies

Not only are new hobbies a good way to make new friends, they’re also a healthy source of distraction! You don’t have to limit yourself to hobbies that involve socializing. You can also turn to your hobbies as a comfortable mode of escape when you’re alone. Knitting, getting lost in a good book, or painting are all great solo hobbies that you can enjoy on your own time.

Seek New Horizons

Sometimes, the best way to clear your mind after a breakup is by getting out of dodge. If you’ve been daydreaming about planning a trip somewhere new, a change of scenery could serve as a nice break in your routine. Visiting a place where you won’t encounter any reminders of your ex can feel refreshing. You don’t have to go far or spend a lot of money. Even taking a weekend trip to an area nearby that you haven’t been before can work like a charm.

Enjoy Your Solo Time

Finally, embrace the potential of time to yourself. Maybe there are meals you haven’t cooked in a long time because your ex didn’t like them, or TV shows you never watched because your ex wasn’t interested. Now, you finally get to indulge. Redecorating your space can help you reclaim it as your own. In some ways, redecorating can even feel emotionally cleansing. Overall, let yourself follow your own whims. This is the time to celebrate everything that makes you unique.

Are you struggling to heal after a rough breakup? Turning to a therapist can help you find your inner strength. Reach out to us to learn more about scheduling your first session for women's therapy.