Do You Feel Like You Aren’t Yourself Anymore?

Are you dealing with social anxiety, panic attacks, racing thoughts, or a general inability to focus? Maybe you’ve been feeling overly emotional, and suffering from uncharacteristic outbursts of crying or yelling. Or perhaps you’ve been feeling numb and affectless, like your life simply lacks energy, motivation, and joy. Your friends and colleagues may have noticed. They may even tell you that you don’t seem like yourself.

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When you’re living with anxiety, its effects are wily, elusive, and often hard to put a finger on. It’s difficult to understand how anxiety impacts your brain, since it’s usually rooted in thought processes and self-beliefs that lie outside of conscious awareness. Without understanding how anxiety works, it’s virtually impossible to manage it. Your emotions might feel out of control. You may experience insomnia, weight changes, or physical pain. The relationships that are front-and-center in your life may begin to deteriorate, as stress prevents you from investing in others fully.

If you want to feel greater self-confidence, experience a healthier sense of connection, and bring joy back into your life, I encourage you to contact me. Together, we can work to correct negative thoughts and self-beliefs and empower you to experience healing and renewal in your life.

Anxiety is On The Rise All Over The World

The most common reason people come to therapy is for anxiety-related problems. Anxiety is on the rise all over the world, especially among younger generations.[1] There is, of course, no shortage of causes for anxiety. Work pressures, economic woes, and the general fast-paced nature of modern life have made it all but inevitable—a natural byproduct of our life and times.

What’s more, in a world ravaged by COVID-19, many of us are experiencing health-related anxiety. And since a huge portion of the population is now working from home, it’s often harder to maintain work-life balance. Unable to keep pressures from the workplace separate from the home, many of us find ourselves short-circuiting between two worlds and trying to manage too much at once.

It’s tempting to try and work through anxiety alone, to tell yourself, “I can just fight through it.” Unfortunately, this isn’t as easy it as sounds. Because anxiety often works beneath conscious awareness, it creates confusion and constantly sabotages our own efforts to fight it. This is why a huge focus of my approach is helping you understand how anxiety operates. My goal is to break down its inner workings and help you identify negatives patterns of thought and behavior. More importantly, I want to act as a reflection for your needs, goals, and desires—rather than someone who simply tells you how to live your life.

Anxiety Therapy is Intuitively-Guided And Tailored To Your Hobbies And Passions


For most people living with anxiety, the first thing they want is to feel heard, seen, and validated for what they’re going through. My goal in therapy is to provide a warm, nurturing space where you can experience just that. What’s more, I believe therapy doesn’t always have to be totally serious, even though we’ll be discussing serious issues. I like to bring in humor and create a low-key, relaxing environment for you to share your joys and sorrows in. Many people say I radiate a comforting energy.

In the beginning, we will talk about what led you to consider therapy. Together, we’ll evaluate your needs and goals and co-create an anxiety therapy plan that caters directly to you. The entire process is intuitively-guided and adjustable depending on your goals. In addition to providing long-term relief, I offer practical skills for alleviating anxiety symptoms in the here and now[P1] . If you’re struggling with social anxiety or panic attacks, for instance, I can make deep breathing techniques and calming strategies part of your therapy.

Moreover, I seek to incorporate your hobbies and passions into the healing process. Therapy with me isn’t just sitting in a chair and talking about your feelings—it’s also about doing what you love. If you enjoy sports, yoga, or art, for instance, we’ll make these activities part of your treatment plan. We’ll also look at sleep patterns, diet, exercise routines, and other facets of your daily life that may need adjustments. The point is to address the whole person.

One of the key approaches to my practice is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). At its root, CBT explores the connection between thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. By correcting harmful thought patterns and negative self-beliefs, you can improve your emotional well-being and resolve the behaviors that reinforce anxiety. So much of life is spent taking our thoughts and beliefs for granted—CBT will help you understand their importance in your life and teach you to question and challenge them wherever needed on a regular basis.

Right now, you may feel your anxiety is too powerful to get control of. If this is the case, I encourage you to remember that anxiety is highly treatable. Healing is a matter of taking baby steps—one day at a time—and focusing on the little things that mark improvement. By making small adjustments in the areas that need growth, you can make a huge difference in your life as a whole.

You may have some questions or concerns about anxiety therapy…

I don’t think I have the time and money for counseling.

Concerns about time and money are certainly important, but the most important thing is treating anxiety early. After all, the amount of time you’ve spent feeling anxious is probably longer than the time it will take to heal. In that sense, anxiety therapy is a relatively cheap investment. It will save you time and money in the future by eliminating negative habits and beliefs before they spiral out of control.

Will anxiety therapy protect my privacy and confidentiality?

Yes, my practice is 100-percent HIPAA-compliant, and the platforms I use for telehealth are 100-percent secure. As an anxiety counselor, my first priority is ensuring you feel safe and respected. If there are things you’ve never told anyone else, I want you to know you can share them here without any compromise of privacy. This is a time and space for you to express yourself in ways you can’t when you’re at work or home.

How can I fit anxiety therapy into my day?

Most of us lead busy lives, and it’s hard to squeeze therapy into our schedules. The good news is my scheduling is very flexible—I offer appointments in the morning, during lunchtime, and in the evening as well. No matter how busy your life is, it’s vital to make caring for your mental health a priority. After all, no one shuns going to the doctor or dentist when they’re busy, so why should therapy be any different?

Experience Joy Where There Was Once Only Fear

If the stressors of work, home, and relationships have created a burden too great to bear, I would be honored to help you carry it. To get started, schedule a free consultation below. I offer in-person sessions on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and telehealth appointments Monday thru Thursday.


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