Do Limiting Beliefs Keep You Down? - 4 Key Strategies to Free Yourself


Do you ever hold yourself back from trying something that you really want to do? Have you found that before you attempt something new, you tend to hear a little voice in the back of your head tell you that you just can’t do it?

Everyone struggles with limiting beliefs at some point in their lives. Sometimes, we pick up these beliefs at a young age and never quite manage to shake them. But these limiting beliefs do not have to define your life going forward. You can always write a new script.

Here’s how to finally process and let go of your limiting beliefs.

1. Write Them Down

It’s time to get out a notebook! One of the easiest ways to analyze and resolve your limiting beliefs is by getting them down on paper. Give yourself some time to write down all of your limiting beliefs. This process can be painful, but allow yourself to write without judgment.

Once you clarify what exactly you believe about yourself, you can begin to interrogate and understand the "why."

When do you first remember changing your actions based on this belief? Did someone tell you that this was true? Do you feel like you adopted this particular belief after a difficult experience? Reflect on your life and your formative years as you answer these questions. It can be helpful to do some stream-of-consciousness writing as you think about your limiting beliefs.

2. Seek Proof

You’ve worked out what you believe and why. Now, you’re ready to seek out the proof behind these things, if any.

You may find that many of your limiting beliefs simply don’t live up to scrutiny. Perhaps you’ve succeeded in areas where you would have expected to fail, according to these beliefs. Or maybe you’ve continuously exceeded your own expectations and downplayed your accomplishments.

What if you realize that some of these limiting beliefs do have a kernel of truth to them? Take a deep breath—you certainly aren’t bound to live by them forever. Now, you know what you want to change about your life and why. Unlocking this knowledge is the first step towards living a life that is aligned with what you truly want.

3. Challenge Them

Perhaps you’ve discovered that most of your limiting beliefs are patently untrue. What comes next? Now, you can dig a little deeper and discover the truth. You can challenge your limiting beliefs and ask yourself: what if the opposite were true?

For example, maybe you’ve always hesitated to apply for the jobs you really wanted or to seek out promotions at work. But perhaps when you look at your resume, you realize that you possess far more marketable skills than you realized. And maybe when you look at your past performance reviews, your manager has always given you glowing feedback.

Now, you can challenge your former belief by asking: what if I’m actually quite successful in my field? What if I have every right to apply for more advanced positions? And what if I have a good shot of landing my dream job?

4. Try Something New

You can always try a new belief on for size! Perhaps you’ve written down a few challenges to your limiting beliefs. What if you chose these challenging statements as a new set of affirmations?

Repeating affirmations might feel a little silly at first, but this method can help you shift your thought patterns to adopt a set of more positive beliefs. Go ahead and try it out!

Have you been holding on to limiting beliefs? Are you ready to let go? Therapy can help you through the process. Reach out to us today to learn more about releasing limiting beliefs in therapy.