What Should You Do If You Receive Mistreatment During Maternity Care?

Many women are mistreated when they become pregnant. Perhaps the medical mistreatment you faced began when you were trying to conceive, especially if you struggled with infertility. Maybe you were disrespected at your very first ultrasound.

You may have been talked over frequently by doctors, had your concerns dismissed or minimized time after time, or even suffered from a birth injury during your delivery. Your baby might have even been harmed because of a medical professional’s actions.

Unfortunately, maternal mistreatment is widespread. Whether you’ve faced scenarios like these before, or you’re currently expecting and you’re wondering how to handle situations like this, here are some strategies that you might want to use.

Speak Up

This is often easier said than done. However, if you’ve dealt with maternal mistreatment, you will need to speak up and advocate for yourself. Bringing an advocate with you can help. This might be your partner, a sibling, a parent, or even a very close friend who wants to support you.

When you’re with someone who has your best interests in mind and can look out for you if your medical provider is neglecting your problems, it’s easier to speak up for yourself.

photo of a woman holding her ultrasound photo of her baby

Document the Details

What if you or your baby were physically hurt because of maternal mistreatment? Documenting every detail is key. Should you need medical care to treat the issue, you will want to have these details on hand so that a new OB/GYN or specialist can address the problem. Keep any medical records on hand so that this information is always accessible.

Connect with a New Medical Provider

Yes, finding a new medical provider can be complicated. It depends on the availability of maternal healthcare in your area, as well as your insurance coverage. But if a particular healthcare professional has mistreated you, it’s certainly in your best interest to see if you have any options for different providers.

You may want to talk to relatives or friends to see who their medical providers were, and whether or not they would recommend them. A loved one might be able to point you in the direction of compassionate healthcare providers who will take your concerns seriously.

Talk to a Therapist

After suffering from maternity mistreatment, you might feel like you’ll have a hard time trusting a medical professional again. You know that you need to continue seeing your own doctor and bringing your child to a pediatrician. But now, just stepping into a medical setting has become anxiety-inducing.

Working with a therapist can help you process these complicated feelings. Right now, you might need to open up to someone who will support you, listen to you, and validate your experiences. But your therapist will also equip you with the skills you need to better advocate for yourself in medical settings.

You’ll get comfortable expressing your needs and setting appropriate boundaries. Sometimes, it can be refreshing just to vent about what happened. Women face lots of frustrating barriers to appropriate maternity care. Often, they feel like they’re discouraged from sharing their experiences.

Consider Seeking Compensation If Appropriate

Depending on the nature of your mistreatment, you may be entitled to some form of compensation. For instance, if you suffered a birth injury due to medical negligence, you may want to consult an attorney to find out what your options are. Keep in mind that this is not an option in every case of maternity mistreatment.

Are you struggling to cope with the aftermath of mistreatment during your maternity care? It may be time to talk to a therapist. Reach out to us to learn more about women’s counseling..